Weeeeeeee're back!
Yes, it's been a few years months since I last posted anything here but I am not (yet) dead.
It was a busy off-season: I'd only just recovered from chanting "We're Number Three!" over and over again after the Guns N Rollers' glorious 3rd-place victory back in June, when it was time to cheer on the Wheels of Justice at the Hometown Throwdown. And as soon as that hangover wore off, it was time to head to Sacramento for the WFTDA Western Region tournament.
(I'd like to thank the Sacred City Derby Girls for choosing a venue where no one cared what you brought in with you. Why bother with a tiny little flask when you can fill your bag with whole bottles of liquor? Which you could conveniently purchase at the CVS two blocks away.)
There was also my broken leg.
But now we've all enjoyed our little break, we've celebrated Thanksgiving ("Thank you for the very nice land we'll take from you now," or "Thank you for the blankets and the small pox," depending on your ancestry) with turkey (or a cruelty-free susbstitute), and it's time to get ready for a new season of Rose City Rollers hometown derby.
We've lost some GnRs along the way:
- Boxcar Bethy moved to Ontario (for someone who insists she's not Canadian, she sure lives in Canada a lot)
- Evilia D. Stroiu moved to Hawaii
- Suki Hana became pregnant, then a mother
- Mercyful Kate smashed up her tibia and fibula, moved back up to Olympia, and broke her tib again, and
- Hard Knox and Fist O'Fury have chosen "real" life over derby
And we've picked up some new GnRs during the off-season:
- Dirty Ann Rotten
- Harajuke A Girl
- Havana Good Time and
- Awnry O'Hulligan
You can see all of them plus some other newer GnRs skate this Friday against Cherry City at the hangar at Oaks Park. (General admission tix are still available here.)
Finally, the GnR have chosen new captains to lead them through the 2011 season: Punchkin Punchkin: New GnR Captain New GnR Captain: Sugar & Vice
(Only publicly available image.)
(Only publicly available image.)
So get ready to shred some furious licks, wail on your axes, and throw some horns!
(You do have season tickets, right?)
\m/ \m/
I am so excited for the newbie bout tonight! Sadly I will have to settle for watching it on the computer, thank god for live streaming video. Awnry, Bella, Dirty, Juka, Sly, KNocker and Micro...go eff some shit up!
Napalm Beth
I thought the pic in busted you posted spoke volumes aobut what I did in my off season snark. Love Sugar