Saturday, May 9

Injury Updates

GNR skaters currently out with injuries:

  • Itzo EZ will be out for the rest of the season after ACL surgery.

    Her physical therapy is going well, and if she doesn't think anyone's watching, she might mope a little while everyone else skates.

  • Mullet (sans Bullet mais toujours avec le mullet) has had surgery on a ruptured achilles tendon, so she'll be wearing a cast for the next few weeks.

    Doctors have refused to integrate a skate (or even just a wheel) into her cast, and she won't be able to get back into skates until it comes off. Expect 3-4 months recovery time.

    On the other hand, she has got herself a new moped, so bonus points for sightings of Mullet-in-cast-on-moped.

  • Gwen'nich Mean Time is also out while her back is "all messed up." (No, I couldn't find a Wikipedia link to that. Sorry.)

Please do what you can to prevent these skaters from suffering excessively while they watch their other teammates skate. (Experiencing some discomfort is unfortunately an expected part of the recovery process.)

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